Evan Desjardins

Tag: DIY

Total 7 Posts

Doing Things the Easy Way (…the hard way) (Analyzing WAV files using Python, Power Menu and AppleScript)


I’m really bad at programming but I won’t let that stop me. Today’s half-baked script is a “shortcut” for generating an Audio File Log, a data read-out requested by an audiobook client. It’s meant to accompany deliverables and tally up running times for billing. I made a game with QBASIC in high school so how hard can this be? I know just enough Python and shell commands to get myself into … Read the rest “Doing Things the Easy Way (…the hard way) (Analyzing WAV files using Python, Power Menu and AppleScript)”

Python the Hard Way

I’ve been consulting with Toronto machine learning startup Dessa on an exciting audio based project. (more on that when the time is right)

The he engineers there have impressed me with what they’ve been able to accomplish in terms of analyzing and processing audio despite their inexperience working with audio in general. The experience has inspired me to get my feet wet with Python, the very popular and accessible programming language.

One of the best … Read the rest “Python the Hard Way”

Active DI

I put together this active DI recently based on a design published by retired Swedish sound engineer Bo Hansén. The result is a device that sounds better than commercial products that cost significantly more than the price of parts.

3D Printed Radio Knobs

A few select Toronto Public Library branches feature ‘Digital Innovation Hubs’ which are equipped with some interesting technology, including Makerbot Replicator 3D printers available for public use. When these machines debuted at the Toronto Reference Library in 2014, I booked myself into the first orientation class I could. (TPL requires anyone interested in using the machines to attend a free clinic to get familiar with the technology.) It took me a while but I finally … Read the rest “3D Printed Radio Knobs”

Gyraf G9

This was my first big project with the training wheels off, meaning no comprehensive build guides, no parts kits, no official support. This was also my first foray into vacuum tubes and high voltages so I made the decision to move slowly and work methodically. The result was a pair of transparent and flexible vacuum tube preamps that worked nearly perfectly the first time I powered them on (nervously, fire extinguisher in hand).

How does … Read the rest “Gyraf G9”